Thursday, April 18, 2013

New FIAT 500 Commercial (USA)

Check out this new commercial for the FIAT 500.  It was filmed on the breathtaking Amalfi Coast.

What do you think of the car?  What do you makes this car popular here? What makes it popular in Italy?  Listen to how the music changes from country to country.

FIAT 500

Now check out the "Behind the Scenes" making of the commercial.  Interessante!

Una carta geografica d'Italia
"Che bel paese!"

Uno "spot" per la pasta Barilla

Guarda questa pubblicitĂ  per Barilla.  Vedi il condizionale? Il futuro?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Andiamo a prendere un gelato!

Watch this video on Italian "gelato".  What are some differences between Italian ice cream and American ice cream?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Let's compare these commercials! What are some differences and similarities you see with the Italian Nutella commercial and the American one.  But one thing is for sure.....che buono!  (Italiano) (Americano)

Technology in the classroom!

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